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Events and Activities

The children, teachers, and faculty of the Transformative Literacy Program welcome you to our Readers Writers Cafe. Come to NAC 4/220B either Tuesday, December 14, 2010 or Thursday, December 16, 2010 from 5-7. Enjoy inquiry work about fears and dreams, including polar bears, surviving tsunamis, and sports technology. School of Education students, faculty and staff are invited to attend.

News and Notes

Professor Amita Gupta
Professor Amita Gupta

Professor Amita Gupta, Department of Childhood Education, returned from her sabbatical year as a Fulbright Scholar to a busy fall semester. She was a Keynote speaker at the annual conference of the European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) held in Birmingham, UK on September 6-8, 2020. The conference had about 800 delegates from more than 55 countries and the theme of the conference was: Knowledge and Voice in Early Childhood: Who knows, who speaks, who listens?

Professor Gupta was also an invited speaker at an international conference hosted by Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China in October 27-29, 2010. The theme of the conference was: The Quest for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Asia and Pacific Region: Strategies and Responses of Higher Education. Speakers came from several countries including Singapore, Hong Kong and mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, UK, US and Italy. Most recently, on November 19, 2010 Professor Gupta participated in a panel discussion at Teachers College Columbia University during International Education Week. The topic of the discussion was Emerging Issues in Education in South Asia.


Professor Richard Steinberg
Professor Richard Steinberg

Professor Richard Steinberg, Director of the Secondary Science Program took an unusual sabbatical during the 2007-2008. He became a full-time physics teacher in a New York Public High School. Read his article in the American Physical Society's Educational Forum about his experience. It is entitled "Away from the Ivory Tower: Real challenges teaching high school physics in an urban environment" and can be found at


Professor Beverly Falk
Professor Beverly Falk

Our SOE Journal, "The New Educator", Goes National! Professor Beverly Falk, founder and editor of the School of Education journal The New Educator is pleased to announce that CCNY has just signed a memorandum of agreement to co-publish The New Educator with the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE), the largest individual member teacher educator organization in the country. The new arrangement means that the journal will have both print and online editions. Print copies, published by Taylor and Francis, will go to all 4,000 of ATE's members as well as 1,600 libraries around the world. To get access in the future, people will either need to subscribe for a fee (by joining ATE) or go through their college libraries. This new arrangement will start in 2011 and secures support for the journal for the next seven years. To read the current issue click here.

Professor Falk was an invited speaker at the 92nd St. Y's annual Wonderplay Conference: Working with the 21st Century Child and Family on Friday, November 12th. Her presentation was entitled "Assessing the Young Child: Using Evidence to Support Learning in Developmentally Appropriate Ways." Professor Falk also announced that The NYC Early Learning Consortium, a newly formed collaboration of our Early Childhood Education Graduate Program, the Alliance for Childhood, the NYC Early Childhood Professional Development Institute, and the 92nd Street Y has sponsored several after-school events at the College this fall for teachers of young children including: two study groups on "Teaching the Way Children Learn" and a book group on Welcome to the Aquarium, led by author Julie Diamond.

Professor Nancy Stern
Professor Nancy Stern

Professors Joseph Davis and Nancy Stern organized the Tenth International Columbia School linguistics conference held at Rutgers University October 9-11. Presenters hailed from five countries and six U.S. states. Professor Joseph Davis also gave a presentation highlighting a paper in a forthcoming volume he is co-editing (Brill publishers) with fellow CUNY Professor Alan Huffman, and Professor Nancy Stern gave a presentation on the communicative function of grammatical number in the English -self pronouns.

Educational Theatre Program Recently Hosted Three Events

Songs, scenes and monologues were performed by graduate candidates at the Cabaret

The Program in Educational Theatre hosted three very successful events. The first, was a Halloween event on October 30th. In collaboration with the Hamilton Heights Parents Association, graduate candidates from The Program in Educational Theatre performed Little Red Riding Hood and told Halloween Stories! What fun!! The second was a Cultural Arts Fair on November 5th open to anyone interested in finding out about Arts Education resources in New York City that are available to teachers. Finally, the Program sponsored a Cabaret on Saturday, November 13th called "It's About Learning." Graduate candidates performed songs and monologues on the theme of education and proceeds collected will be given to a high school senior whose life has been affected by the arts. collected will be given to a high school senior whose life has been affected by the arts.

Visitors Attend The NYC Cultural Arts Partner Expo Educational Theatre Program Students in Costume for Little Red Riding Hood Performance

Education Alumni Group Hosted "Hot Topics in Education"


From Left to Right: Dr. Betty Rosa, Dr. Bruce M. Billig, Dr. John Lee, Dean Doris Cintron, Thomasine Vaughan, Dr. Joyce Coppin, Carolyn Fleischer, George Young

The Education Alumni Group held its first event of the 2010-2011 Academic Year and it was "HOT!" Close to 100 alumni, current SOE students, faculty and friends attended the group's Forum "Hot Topics in Education: Tenure, Merit Pay and Teacher and Leader Performance." Education Alumni President Dr. John W. Lee ('71 and '74) welcomed the attendees and Dean Doris Cintron gave greetings.

A distinguished panel consisting of Dr. Betty Rosa (member of the NYS Board of Regents and Ed Alumni Board Member), Dr. Beverly Bryant, Director, NYCDOE Office of School Quality Review, Mr. Robert Reich, Council of Supervisors and Administrators, and Mr. George Young, Principal, PS46M (Ed Alumni Board Member) responded to various "provocative statements" related to the "hot topics" with CCNY's Dr. Joyce Coppin (CCNY Ed Alumni Board Member) moderating the conversation. Issues explored included whether teachers' names and ratings of their students' achievement should be made public; whether bonuses and other incentives are an appropriate and effective means of raising student outcomes; whether the business model is appropriate for schools; whether we have lost sight of the true purpose of education and schooling, and more. The panelists spoke with passion and conviction. Members of the audience were invited to pose their own questions to panel members resulting in an engaging and important evening of professional dialogue on some very timely issues!

At the conclusion of the evening, Dr. John W. Lee, President of the Ed Alumni Group thanked the panelists and the audience and reminded them of the Education Alumni Group's Spring event: Interviewing Skills for your Next Job on March 15, 2011 in the Faculty Dining Room and our Annual Awards Dinner at the beautiful National Arts Club in Gramercy Park on Wednesday, May 4, 2011. He also invited the audience to nominate CCNY alumni for the six Outstanding Teacher and Outstanding School Leader awards that will be presented at the Awards Dinner. For more information, please contact Dr. Bruce Billig at or Ms. Olga Mikhlina at

Websites of Interest

  1. Looks like restructuring is not limited to k-12 schools. A recent report put out by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) suggests that significant changes are needed in teacher education as well. The report says that student-teaching and other "clinical" experiences in schools will be the priority with coursework and other requirements embedded in and supplementing work in schools. Teachers will learn their craft much as doctors do by working in hospitals and clinics. State University of New York Chancellor Nancy Zimpher, co-chairwoman of the panel that released the report said. "Making clinical preparation the centerpiece of teacher education will transform the way we prepare teachers. See the full report at Eight states including New York are participating in developing a pilot program.

  2. An interesting op-ed essay by Henry Giroux entitled "Business Culture and the Death of Public Education: The Triumph of Management Over Leadership" for Truthout will make you think. Read it at Another interesting essay by Kelly Gallagher, a teacher who refuses to teach to the test is at and is entitled "Why I will not teach to the test: It's Time to Focus on In-depth Learning, Not Shallow Answers" and is published in Education Week.

  3. The Education Department of THIRTEEN offers many resources and services in support of its broadcasts, and they want you to stay informed. Please sign up here to receive FREE email alerts about our ongoing projects, including the Ed Dept Bulletin, the Celebration of Teaching and Learning, and Kids Thirteen News & Events.

Best wishes for a healthy and happy holiday season!

Doris Cintron, Acting Dean and The CONNECTED Community Committee: Bruce Billig, Doris Grasserbauer, Leonard Lewis, Stacia Pusey, Norman Shapiro, and Gareth Williams

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