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Coming Events and Activities

Workshops & Events for Students, Teachers, Alumni & SOE Faculty

The Department of Teaching, Learning & Culture's
2013 Spring Seminar Series

All of these events are free and open to CCNY students, faculty, staff, alumni as well as to teachers and administrators of collaborating schools. For additional information, or if you wish to bring a class to the event, email or call (212) 650-7262.

All events are cosponsored by the Offices of the CCNY President and Provost.

Culturally Responsive Teaching: Incorporating the Cultures of Students' Lives Into the Curriculum

(February 28th)

Gloria Swindler- Boutte
Gloria Swindler- Boutte

Gloria Swindler- Boutte, a Professor of Education at the University of South Carolina, will describe strategies that teachers can use to recognize and build on the strengths and resources of the cultures and communities in which they teach. Relating, for example, the ethos of the barbershop and hair salon in the Black community to tenets of culturally relevant pedagogy, aspects of both that support empowerment and socialization are made explicit. Implications are drawn for how teachers can develop an inside understanding of students' communities and illuminate existing best practices that differ from mainstream conceptions. Thursday, February 28, 5:00-7:00 pm, NAC 4/220B

Teaching Matters: Stories from Inside City Schools

(March 13th)

Beverly Falk
Professor Beverly Falk
Professor Megan Blumenreich
Professor Megan Blumenreich

This event celebrates the release of the new book Teaching Matters: Stories from Inside City Schools by Professors Beverly Falk and Megan Blumenreich which draws on research done by City College School of Education candidates during their capstone research experience in the childhood and early childhood education programs. The teachers' firsthand experiences in the urban schools in which they work offer insights to how to address some of the pressing dilemmas and challenges faced by all educators today. Wednesday, March 13, 5:00-7:00 pm, NAC 4/220B

Math and Sustainability

(April 8th)

Victor Donnay
Victor Donnay

Sustainability can be used to provide students with hands-on opportunities to see how the math they learn in class can connect to issues they care about in the world. The presentation by Victor Donnay of Bryn Mawr College will describe a senior seminar course on math modeling in which the students applied math to carry out service learning projects that greened their college and the community; an introductory level course on math and sustainability for general college students; and a two-week summer institute for secondary math and science teachers. Professor Donnay is also the national Chair of the Advisory Committee for Math Awareness Month 2013, the theme of which is the Mathematics of Sustainability (see Monday, April 8, 4:30-6:30 pm, NAC 3/217.

Bilingual Community Education and Multilingualism:
Beyond Heritage Languages in a Global City

(April 8th)

Zeena Zakharia
Zeena Zakharia
Bahar Otcu-Grillman
Bahar Otcu-Grillman

Zeena Zakharia from UMass, Boston and Bahar Otcu-Grillman from Mercy College will highlight the diverse languages and community programs that foster multilingualism across NYC. In this Book Panel, the editors and authors will provide an overview of their book and will discuss chapters on Spanish, Hindi, Haitian Creole, Bengali and Korean bilingual community programs. New York State Association for Bilingual Education (NYSABE) language delegates will then lead breakout groups of the featured languages for discussion and action about ways to improve the programs and opportunities for students to become bilingual. Monday, April 8, 5:00-7:00 pm, NAC 4/220B.

Guided Play, Student Engagement, and Science Learning

(April 17th)

David Kanter
David Kanter

Playground play can support students' content learning while harnessing the inherent power of play to bolster behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement. A study of two guided play games found that theyimproved students' science content learning as well as all three types of engagement, and at levels beyond comparable free play. David Kanter will also provide an overview of the New York Hall of Science's new SciPlay R&D Center that he directs. Wed, April 17, 5:00-7:00 pm, NAC 4/220B

More Events and Activities This Spring

The Doyle and Alba Bortner Distinguished Speaker Series in Urban Education Presents:
"New Directions in Developing Programs of Family and Community Involvement for Student Success"

(March 4th )

Professor Joyce L. Epstein

Professor Joyce L. Epstein

Professor Joyce L. Epstein will be the featured speaker at this year's Doyle and Alma Bortner Distinguished Speaker Series. She is currently the Director of the Center on School, Family, and Community Partnerships and the National Network of Partnership Schools (NNPS). She is also the Principal Research Scientist, and Research Professor of Sociology at Johns Hopkins University. In 1995, she established the National Network of Partnership Schools (NNPS), which provides professional development to enable school, district, and state leaders to develop research-based programs of family and community involvement. The topic of her presentation will be "New Directions in Developing Programs of Family and Community Involvement for Student Success." All are invited to attend. Monday, March 4th, 5:00- 7:00 pm, NAC/Faculty Dining Room, on the third floor North side of building. Refreshments will be served.


Principals Panel : How to Interview for a Teaching or Leadership Position:

(March 21)

The CCNY School of Education and the CCNY Education Alumni will be co-sponsoring the semi-annual Principals Panel on March 21, 2013 from 4:30 - 7:00 pm in the NAC Faculty Dining Room. Hear from a panel of principals and other education experts on how to interview for a teaching or leadership position. The principals will be addressing the typical interview questions that applicants will be facing and expectations for commendable responses. There will be a Q & A session as well as an opportunity to meet in small groups for role playing. You do not want to miss this one if you are, or plan to be, involved in any interviews for upcoming teaching or leadership positions. No reservation needed. For questions, email Dr. Bruce Billig, CCNY School of Education's Director of Clinical Practice, at:

Using SmartBoards in the Classroom

Doris Grasserbauer
Doris Grasserbauer

This hands-on workshop is offered for School of Education students, faculty, alumni and cooperating teachers. The workshops are structured around the experience level and the specific subject matter taught by the participants. For entry level, we will start with the basics and then dive into the interactive classroom possibilities depending on the needs and interests of the participants. During the advanced workshop you will work with the instructor to create your own classroom material. No matter what your level of experience, you will get a chance to use the SmartBoard.

You are welcome to attend more than one workshop.


  • February 19, 2013 3 to 4pm NA 4/221 - Entry Level
  • March 19, 2013 3 to 4pm NA 4/221 - Advanced
  • April 16, 2013 3 to 4pm NA 4/221 - Entry Level
  • May 14, 2013 3 to 4pm NA 4/221 - Advanced

Click here to register for one of the workshops:

The workshops will be held at the Multimedia Center NAC 4/221. If a workshop has to be canceled you will be contacted via email. Assume your registration is confirmed unless you hear otherwise. Please note the session(s) you sign up for as reminders will not be sent out.

Educational Theatre Program's Family Arts Day

Family Arts Day will be on Saturday April 27th from 10-1 this at Aaron Davis Hall - Save the date! Fun for the whole family.


Educational Theatre Program's Family Arts DayEducational Theatre Program's Family Arts Day 2

For Other Events At CCNY See:

For Directions to the Campus See:

News & Notes

Student News & Notes

New Club for Undocumented Students and Their Supporters
By Isabel Mendoza- Club Member

Members and officers of the CCNY Dream Team

Members and officers of the CCNY Dream Team

CCNY's Dream Team is now official! The main purpose of this club is to give undocumented students and their supporters a safe haven to meet, discuss issues that are affecting the CCNY community and advocate for fair immigration policies. The team will work to educate the student body, faculty and staff about issues affecting the immigrant community at City College and inform students of opportunities, such as scholarships and internships. A number of the activities are being planned for this school year. These include workshops with staff members in key offices such as financial aid and admissions in order to raise awareness of issues undocumented students go through, movie screenings and information sessions. During these events raffles will take place and prizes will be given out. The Dream Team not only aims to raise awareness and education, but to create spaces for fun and friendship. Details about the club's event will be circulated via flyers and through social media.

The club will meet on a weekly basis on Thursdays from 12:30-1:30pm in NAC 3/222. For more information go to: Facebook at CCNY Dream Team and 'like us', follow us on Twitter @ CCNYdreamteam or email us at Professor Tatyana Kleyn, the club's faculty advisor, can be reached at All are welcome and invited!

Teachers of Tomorrow (ToT) Club Activities This Past Fall
By Simone Gordon, Vice President, ToT

Teachers of Tomorrow

Teachers of Tomorrow (ToT) is a student club of future educators that seeks to nurture the academic and professional growth of its members and to engage in activities that will further their careers. Accordingly, the ToT executive board planned and provided workshops for members this past fall. Workshops have included: an information session explaining the new teacher's qualification examinations and procedures, resume creation, and team building. In addition, members were the opportunity to interact with different services on campus and provide service to the community. As an example, ToT members read to children at Child Development Center on campus.

A highlight in October was our collaboration with the Sigma Rho Phi sorority in hosting a workshop presented by the Sanctuary for Family Awareness of Domestic Violence. The presentation provided beneficial tips to attendees such as how prospective teachers can address child abuse cases they may encounter in the classroom. In December, ToT members participated in "Holiday in Harlem" an event sponsored by undergraduate student government. Our members took a booth where children could write Santa a letter. Our club also donated a box of toys to the organization "Toys for Tots." A number of fund raisers were also held for our Annual Spring Trip. (Previous trips have been to Washington, D.C. and to Colonial Williamsburg).

This spring ToT plans to provide a schedule of events that are fun-packed, engaging and informational. We invite all undergraduate education students who are preparing to be teachers or who want to consider teaching as a career to join our club. Find ToT on Facebook at Teachers of Tomorrow, and check out our new website and blog: to help keep us informed and connected. See also the tentative schedule below. For additional information write to

Teachers of Tomorrow's (ToT's) Upcoming Schedule

Meetings are at 12:30pm-1:45pm during Club hours on Thursdays in Room NAC3/225, except where otherwise noted. Schedule is tentative.

February 7th Hawaiian-Themed Welcome Back Party
February 14th Valentine's Day Fundraiser
February 23rd Children's Reading Day at Harlem Library @ 3pm on Saturday (Details to follow)
February 28th Info Session for New & Old Members
March 7th Info Session- Private/Charter Schools
March 14th Fundraiser
March 21st Info Session- Public Schools/Teach For America/ NYC's Teaching Fellows Program
March 26th-27th ToT's Annual Spring Trip (Overnight)

Alumni Notes

Vanessa Flores is a Graduate of our Early Childhood Ed Program & Her Class on "College Day" at Mosaic Prep

Vanessa Flores

The Harlem Times reports on a NYC school that starts at a very early age to motivate their children to graduate and go to college. Mosaic Preparatory Academy, one of New York's first public college preparatory schools, had its annual College Day every Halloween. Instead of wearing costumes, the entire school wears college apparel. Many activities are designed to promote the college theme. See Thanks to Vanessa Flores for alerting us to this. In this photo she is standing in the back row on the right side.

Faculty News & Notes


Beverly Falk
Professor Beverly Falk

Professor Beverly Falk will be receiving the 2013 NYC Champion for Children honor by the New York City Association for the Education of Young Children ( for her work with children, families and teachers on February 2nd. The Association receives several nominations for this award each year from a wonderful variety and range of practitioners. Tammy Dunn, President elect of NYCAEYC, said in her letter that Professor Falk was nominated by several of her students, past and present. They used words like "dedicated" and "passionate" in describing her and said she was an advocate for developmentally appropriate practices, teacher preparation, and a professor who urges her students to strive for their own professional development.

Elise Engler, an adjunct lecturer in the Program in Early Childhood Education recently spent time in Antarctica as an Artist in Residence as part of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Antarctica Artists and Writers Program. Elise's work, which can be seen on her website ( is documentary in nature, chronicling particular experiences by drawing/ painting all of its components. Her earlier drawings were made during and after an expedition to the Galapagos Islands where she drew in the research labs at the Charles Darwin Foundation and all around the islands. Elise's work will be seen at two upcoming exhibitions. Travel-Log, a solo show about travel and its accouterments, will be seen at the Robert Henry Contemporary (Bushwick Brooklyn) opening January 11 (Click Here). And a three-person exhibition called Bi POLAR, Journeys to the Ends of the Earth, opens February 1 at the College of Saint Rose's Esther Massry Gallery in Albany New York. (Click here) Elise teaches a graduate level class called Art and Expressive Activities in Early Childhood Education, which provides instruction in using a range of art materials and creative activities for the diverse learning needs of young children. Click to read more.


We invite students and alumni to submit professional news to CONNECTED.

For Students: let us know what special things you are doing related to your accomplishments in pursuing teaching as a career and any prizes, honors, scholarships you have received.

For Alumni: Let us know where and what you are teaching now and any professional news of note.

Along with the information you send, let us know: the education program(s) you are in or graduated from at City College, the year you graduated or expect to graduate and the degree(s) you received or will receive. Include your email address and a photo (optional) of yourself and send to

Nominate Outstanding Teachers or Principals who are City College Alumni for Honors at May Ceremony

If you know a highly effective teacher or administrator who is a CCNY Alum, consider nominating him/her for our 2013 CCNY Education Alumni Group's Outstanding Teacher and Administrator Awards. Contact Dr. Bruce M. Billig ( for an application.

Educational Theatre Program Was Active this Fall

Special Programs for Teachers

Theater Practitioner Jonathan Neelands (right, center, rear) facilitated a workshop with students from the Ed Theatre Program and Cecily O'Neill (below left) worked with Ed Theatre students on Process Drama

Special Programs for Kids

Jennifer Katona and her students in her Fundamentals of Teaching Theatre class, directed The Jungle Book at PS 161 as part of the after school Drama Program. They worked during the Fall semester developing choreography, staging, set design, sound design, costumes and promoting the performance. The performance was in December. (See photo below.)

Also, in October and November the Readings on the Road Staged Reading Series produced Fable Talk which was performed at HELP USA Shelter, The Hamilton Heights Halloween Event and at PS 161 complete with a pre-show lesson plan to the entire 3rd and 4th grade audience members and a post show talk back!

Staff News and Notes

Do You Know About The Multimedia Center of the School of Education?

Created in January 2001 the Multimedia Center consists of two adjacent rooms located in the North Academic Center: NA 4/221 and 4/216. Currently, a SmartBoard, 30 PC desktops, two scanners, and two printers are available in 4/221 while 4/216 has 14 Mac desktops, 20 MacBook laptops, several digital cameras and camcorders, DVD/VHS combo, DVD/DV/HD combo, VHS recorder and a scanner.

The Multimedia Center has different open lab hours over the academic year. In the bulletin board in front of the rooms NA 4/221 and 4/216 or on the website you will find the current opening hours. Please feel free to come to the Multimedia Center, to ask any technical question, and to explore technology. We will try to answer all questions and support you in accomplishing your projects. Please contact me if you have further questions: Doris Grasserbauer - NAC 4/217A - (212) 650-5795.

Read more at:

Websites of Interest

  1. Childhood educators and parents of young children are urged to read a newly released report from The Alliance for Childhood ( entitled, "Facing the Screen Dilemma: Young Children, Technology and Early Education". This report "provides a much-needed overview of the research on screen time and young children so that educators can make informed decisions. It offers practical considerations and concrete advice for centers using screen technologies, as well as support for centers resisting pressure to abandon screen-free policies". Thanks to Prof. Beverly Falk, a newly elected board member of the Alliance for Childhood, for bringing the Alliance website and this report to our attention.
  2. A new room awaits kids on the NASA Kids' Club website: The Clubhouse, accessible from the mission control console on the NASA Kids' Club page (click on the center image of the space station), includes games and interactive features designed for K-4 students at:
  3. Edutopia is a really interesting website. ( Take a look at this wonderful article on Project Based Learning (PBL) with videos that will give you lots of ideas about doing all sorts of projects in your classrooms at
  4. We googled "Best Web Resources for Teachers" and Wow! Lots of opinions and lots of lists. Below are some of the first that came up. Some are single sites with resources some are portals that will take you out to tons of other resource sites. We suggest you check out only one site each day to avoid going bonkers. Try also Googling Best Web Resources in Math, Science, etc.

Brief Articles of Interest

This section provides links to articles of general interest and importance in education. Keeping in mind how busy our readers are, most of the articles selected are from one to three pages.

  1. Ideas from Harriet Sanford (President and CEO of the National Education Association- NEA- Foundation) about improving instruction in schools by using the medical model of "rounds" and professional learning communities at

  2. Read the book review of Breaking the Mold of Education for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students which appeared in Teachers College Record, Nov 30, at The review, written by Vasthi Reyes Acosta, concluded with "This book should be a cornerstone to understanding the myriad practices available to serve culturally and linguistically diverse student populations. This book would allow teachers to see the span of approaches, the breadth of populations, and the proven approaches available when working with culturally and linguistically diverse students. Teacher pre-service and in-service preparation programs should make this book required reading to better prepare all teachers for the student population of today's classrooms".

  3. How Many Billions Are We REALLY Spending on Testing? (not to mention how much time)? Anthony Cody, writing in Education Week, explains at

  4. So are you ready to take the National Bar Exam for teachers? Read this article in eSchool News Then read this response from a Bronx teacher:

  5. Prefer to get your professional development through listening? Go to eSchool News and listen to archived webinars on any number of educational topics of interest to you Register with them (it's free) and you can also get upcoming webinars too.

  6. Education Week reports that "The US Department of State has released a new video game and web site designed to help students abroad acquire 'American" English language skills...The game, "Trace Effects," is also meant to boost understanding abroad of American society and culture. It was recently launched as one component of a new "American English," website that provides extensive resources to teachers, students, and English-language learners around the world".

  7. New York City's Department of Education is developing a set of arts-focused instructional units that "will be very explicit" in their alignment with the common core, said Paul King, the executive director for the arts in the 1.1 million-student district. He cites an elementary dance unit on the Underground Railroad and a high school theater lesson that involves producing an original monologue". This is an example of Arts Education as a Common Core Partner as reported in Education Week at

  8. More on the homework debate. Is homework the root of all evil? See at this Education Week blog site

  9. Here is a brief article from Tomorrow's Professor on Project-Based Learning (PBL) at the college level entitled "Involving Students in 'Hands-on' Projects Such as Research, Case Studies, or 'Real Life' Activities" but it is equally applicable to k-12 classrooms. Go to and in the search box type in 1173.

  10. "...all states now have UDL initiatives, and more than 150 school districts report using federal funding for UDL activities". What is "universal design for learning"? Begin looking at this notion with this article reported in eSchool News

  11. Educators in our k-12 schools need to communicate with the public about their schools, their children, their successes and their failures. What are zmags you ask? Read "Share your Story Using Multiple Digital Formats" in eSchool News at

  12. Watch Marshall Davis Jones perform his poem '"Touchscreen" on YouTube. He won second place in the National Poetry Slam. He rhymes and slams technology. We loved it and think your middle and high school students will love it too.

  13. Learn why this is the best of all possible times and the worst of all possible times to teach according to one Education Week writer at this Education Week blog site.

  14. New large scale study of California students in grades 7-12 study finds low pass rates for students who repeat algebra 1. See a summary of the report in this Education Week article and get a copy of the full report at

  15. Another Education Week blog posting finds Pedro Noguera posting his thoughts about the transformation of Brockton Ma. High School to Deborah Meier.

  16. See how collaborative learning is transforming college classrooms at eCampus News. Do you find collaborative learning in most of your courses at City College? In the k-12 schools in which you teach?

  17. More short clips from The Teaching Channel at . If you like this form of professional development there are many more videos at this site and on similar sites.

  18. The Wall Street Journal reports "In unusually forceful remarks, New York City's schools chancellor warned that principals across the city would be forced to make painful cuts in areas such as staff size, libraries, and after-school programs if a deal on teacher evaluations isn't reached soon". As of this writing, the deadline has expired and no deal was arrived at. This means that unless something intervenes, the cuts will be real.

  19. Lastly, in a recent issue of the TC Record we found this amazingly thoughtful piece entitled "The End of Education" by Russell Hvolbek. Read it once and then read it again. It begins as follows, "I argue that as we absorb the socio-economic values of our age, an age ruled by business, we have drifted away from what we in the educational community should be doing: teaching students to think, to see, to read, and to write..."

CONNECTED Committee: Bruce Billig, Doris Grasserbauer, Leonard Lewis, Stacia Pusey, Lisa Yu and Norman Shapiro, editor.
Web site and graphics by Kurt Brown.

For past issues of CONNECTED go to:

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