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Coming Events and Activities

Workshops & Events for Students, Teachers, Alumni, SOE Faculty

Dr. Sheila Gersh

Free Technology Workshops In February/March

"Use the Internet to Enrich your Teaching"

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011 - 12:00-2:00 pm

This hands-on workshop will show you some of the newest search strategies to find the information you and your students need. Discover educational portals that have enormous numbers of resources to support your teaching. Collect and save the resources you find online. Find out how to access wonderful educational videos and films to enhance interest and motivate your students. North Academic Center NAC 4/213. Contact Dr. Sheila Gersh at to reserve a space.

"Prepare Instruction and Teach with the SmartBoard"

Tuesday, March 1st, 2011 - 12:00-2:00 pm

This hands-on workshop will help you make the most of the SmartBoard in your classrooms in order to engage students. Create exciting lessons and activities using SmartBoard's NoteBook10 software. Use the SmartBoard with online resources. North Academic Center NAC 4/213. Contact Dr. Sheila Gersh at to reserve a space.

Attend Our Panel Discussion On March 15th To Learn How To Interview For A Teaching Or Leadership Position

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 - 4:30-7:00 pm

On March 15th from 4:30 7:00 PM in the Faculty Dining room, the CCNY Education Alumni Group will present a panel discussion on: "Effective Interview Skills for a Teaching or Leadership Position". The panel of principals and other experienced school leaders will discuss their interview questions for teaching and/or leadership positions. There will be opportunities for questions from the audience.

You do not need a reservation, but you can email Dr. Bruce Billig, Director of the Office of Field Experiences (, if you have any questions.

Immigration and Education Conference

Saturday, March 19, 2011 - 9:00 am-4:00 pm

The School of Education is excited to host an Immigration and Education Conference on Saturday, March 19, 2011. The conference will bring together students, faculty, educators, community members and politicians from NYC and beyond to address this timely and important topic. Approximately 30 panels and workshops will address areas such as the rights of undocumented students, the complexities and rewards of teaching within the two-way bilingual immersion model, immigrant youth action groups, the experiences of resettled refugee youth, family faith traditions and how they shape outcomes, and art as a lens on the immigrant experience. The day will conclude in the Great Hall with a poetry slam entitled "Voices of the Journey: A Spoken Word Celebration of the Immigrant Experience."

Click here to read the Colin Powell Center's article about the conference. Conference registration is now open! Registration is free and required of all those attending.

Click here to register for the March 19, 2011 event. Any questions about the conference can be addressed to or 212-650-5248.

The Doyle and Alba Bortner Distinguished Speaker
Series in Urban Education Presents
Professor Diane Ravitch

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Professor Diane Ravitch
Professor Diane Ravitch

On Wednesday, April 6th at 5 PM in the Faculty Dining Room of the NAC Building, Diane Ravitch, Research Professor of Education at New York University will be the Distinguished Guest Speaker at the Doyle and Alba Bortner Speaker Series in Urban Education. One of the most important historians of education over the past thirty years and a former U.S. Assistant Commissioner of Education, Professor Ravitch's most recent book, "The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education" (2010) provides a thoughtful critique of recent educational "reforms" both nationally and locally. Look for further information in the March issue of CONNECTED. Free admission. Refreshments will be served.

Mathematics in the City: Past Present and Future

Save the Dates: June 13-14, 2011

Professor Cathy Fosnot
Professor Cathy Fosnot

Join us for a two-day conference honoring the work of Mathematics in the City and Professor Cathy Fosnot. The Conference is sponsored by, Heinemann Press and The City College of New York and will be held at The College. Keynote speakers will include Professor Fosnot, Professor Emeritus, City College, Hank Kepner, NCTM President, Bill Jacob, Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara and Martin Simon, Professor New York University. Registration fee is $100 and includes breakfast and lunch for the two days. Visit the conference website: Lists of additional workshops will be available in late February.

Family Arts Saturdays!
Theatre Activities for Children Ages 2-5

The Educational Theatre Program is delighted to announce: Family Arts Saturdays! In partnership with the Hamilton Heights Parents Association, faculty member Sobha K. Paredes and graduate students in the Educational Theatre Program will provide theatre activities for children ages 2-5 (siblings and families are also welcome). Activities include, pantomime, improvisation, storytelling, masks, puppetry and more! Classes will be held on February 5, 12, 19, 26, March 5, 12, 19, 26 from 11am-12pm in the NAC building, room 4/220B. The building is on 138th St and Amsterdam Ave. If you are interested please go to this link to sign up: or contact Sobha Paredes with any questions at 212.650.7681 or

Other Educational Theatre Events Coming Soon

  • Sunday Feb. 27th - Game Share Day
    The Educational Theatre Club will sponsor this event at the City College NAC Building, Rm. 1/226 10am-1pm. Want to expand your bag of theatre games? Bring one to share and learn many more!
  • Saturday March 12th - Second Annual CCNY Mini-Conference- Save the Date!
    The Educational Theatre Club will sponsor this event at The City College NAC Building, Amsterdam and 138th St, Rm. 1/211 from 10am-6pm. Come hear guest speakers and take part in a variety of workshops.
  • Saturday April 9th - Family Arts Day- Save the Date!
    The Educational Theatre Club will sponsor this event at The College from 9am-3pm. More information about how you can be a part of this is coming soon.

Openings Available for Children in
An After-School Literacy Enrichment Program
(For children and teens between the ages of 5 and 17)

Our Fall Session begins in early March. Applications are currently being accepted.


The Transformative Literacy Program at the City College of New York, School of Education continues to offer an after-school literacy enrichment program for children and teens between the ages of 5 and 17. Classes meet on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 4:45-6:15. The spring program begins in early March and runs until the end of May. In the program, students are matched with teachers completing graduate work and specializing in literacy. Each week, in small groups or one-on-one, these teachers and students work together on reading, writing, the arts, and language. Our process emphasizes teachers working with students to identify an area of interest, raise questions and to develop their reading, writing and learning skills while exploring and finding answers to their questions. This work is supervised by Professor Lisa Simon of CCNY's Transformative Literacy Program.

Participation is open to all children and youth between the ages of 5 and 17 who are able to come each week that the program is in session. The program is free but space is limited and registration is required. Online registration is available now at the after-school program website: You can also get more information by calling 212-650-6889 or you can stop by the Transformative Literacy program's office (NAC 6/204) for one of our flyers. Please feel free to pass this information on to others who might want to participate in our program. We are currently accepting applications and have several spaces available.

For Other Events At CCNY See:

For Directions to the Campus See:

News and Notes

Math Science Partnership Program Grant

Professor David Crismond

Professors Gary Benenson, David Crismond and Jim Neujahr received a major grant from New York State (NYSDOE) for a Math Science Partnership- STEM project which will offer to NYC elementary teachers a series of courses and workshops that will emphasize the use of scientific inquiry tasks and design problem solving to help students reach NYC Scope and Sequence learning goals.

In the first three 3-credit courses, David Crismond will give teachers hands-on training in adapting FOSS and Harcourt elementary science materials so that students build understanding of "big ideas" in science, while also developing literacy and numeracy skills. The program will introduce teachers to low-cost educational technologies and free software applications that will help develop technological literacy and physical science understanding in both teacher participants and their students. In the final two semesters of the program, Gary Benenson and James Neujahr will offer teachers workshops and in-class support as they implement a new NSF-funded curriculum, "Physical Science Comes Alive," which is currently being developed by these two CCNY professors.

The three-year, $.67M project will use its funds to cover course development costs and teachers' tuition for the entire program. Courses and workshops will take place at City College's campus. Elementary school teachers throughout New York City area eligible to participate. Those who complete the program will earn 9 graduate course credits that can be applied towards salary increments. Courses and workshops will be offered from Spring 2011 through Spring 2013.


The City College Teacher Academy

The City College Teacher Academy identifies qualified math and science undergraduates who aspire to be teachers. Students begin weekly fieldwork clinical experiences in their freshman or sophomore year. Each student is partnered with a collaborating teacher in one of our four host schools: A. Philip Randolph Campus, Mott Hall Intermediate School, The City College Academy of the Arts and Thurgood Marshall Academy. Six professional teaching standards developed by the New Teacher Center at the University of California at Santa Cruz are emphasized throughout the program. Through a combination of fieldwork experiences, weekly seminars and education courses, aspiring teachers explore effective teaching strategies and student learning. Seminar activities, reflective writing, creation of a portfolio, field trips, panel discussions and presentations from CCNY faculty are designed to reinforce these standards. During the fourth year of the program, participants will student teach in both a middle school and a high school as part of their clinical experience requirement for initial certification for teaching. The fall 2006 entering class has seen its first graduate and several more students will graduate this spring.

The following three City College Teacher Academy students were recognized at the October 28, 2010 Annual CCNY Alumni Awards Dinner and received the following awards:

Michael McDonald (The Dr. Abraham E. Klein '33 Scholarship)
Dena Moharrem (The Reuben Fuchs '33 & Ruth Fuchs Scholarship)
Christie Sukhedo (Greater Houston Chapter Scholarship)

Congratulations also to three Teacher Academy students who were inducted into the Chi Alpha Epsilon National Honor Society:

Jing Ling
Jian Lieu
Chujun Yang

For further information concerning the CCNY Teacher Academy contact:

Martin B. Rosenman
The Teacher Academy
Room NAC 4/220C
Cell: 516-455-4620
or Dr. Bruce Billig, Director
Office of Field Experiences
NAC Room 6/207A
Tel: 212-650-6915;

"Teachers Change Lives Forever"

Websites of Interest

  1. A wonderful website for all is that has very smart and interesting people sharing (via video) "ideas worth sharing" in education and many different fields. From a 15 or so minute video made by the head of the NASA project that put an unmanned rocket in orbit around Saturn and found the conditions for life on one of Saturn's moons, to a video by Malcolm Gladwell that explains the origins of the endless varieties of spaghetti sauce on supermarket shelves, to a fascinatingly animated and authored video offering a new paradigm for education at Don't miss this site.

  2. Critical reading for high school administrators, teachers and teacher educators is the 2009 Conference report "How High Schools Become Exemplary" published by The Achievement Gap Initiative of Harvard University. See especially: Brighton High School.
  3. From eSchool News we learn that TechMatrix is a website that provides free information about educational and assistive technology products for students with disabilities, as well as English language learners. This past fall, NCTI added science to the categories of products covered in the TechMatrix, which already included reading, math, and writing. Now, TechMatrix features information about more than 300 educator-reviewed products, searchable by subject area and grade level, as well as case studies and other implementation guidance. See
  4. The kinds of educational practices that work with middle and high school boys were reported in ASCD Express. Teachers and boys from 18 schools representing the United States, Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa submitted narratives of specific lessons and practices that they deemed especially effective—in other words, that worked. From 1,000 faculty narratives and 1,500 student narratives, the researchers set out to identify common patterns in the effective practices reported. Read what works for boys at

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