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Coming Events and Activities

Workshops & Events for Students, Teachers, Alumni & SOE Faculty


Immigration and Education Conference

Saturday, March 19, 2011 - 8:30 am-4:30 pm, Shepard Hall, Convent Ave & 139th St.

John QuiƱones
John Quinones

The School of Education is delighted to host this conference which will bring together students, faculty, educators, community members and politicians from NYC and beyond to address this timely and important topic. John Quinones, Emmy-award winning reporter and and host of ABC's Primetime: What Would You Do? will keynote the event. Approximately 30 panels and workshops will address areas such as the rights of undocumented students, the complexities and rewards of teaching within the two-way bilingual immersion model, immigrant youth action groups, the experiences of resettled refugee youth, family faith traditions and how they shape outcomes, and art as a lens on the immigrant experience. The day will conclude in the Great Hall with a poetry slam entitled "Voices of the Journey: A Spoken Word Celebration of the Immigrant Experience."

Who should attend? Teachers, students, community organizers, university faculty, school administrators, guidance counselors, policy-makers, immigrants, and other community members!

There is no cost to attend, but registration is required of all participants. Register through the conference website: Please register early - space is limited!

Address questions to:, or call 212-650-5248

Cosponsored by the Colin Powell Center for Policy Studies
and the New York City Department of Education

Dowload PDF Invitation

Panel Discussion:
"How To Interview For A Teaching Or Leadership Position"

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 - 4:30-7:00 pm

On March 15th from 4:30 7:00 PM in the Faculty Dining room, the CCNY Education Alumni Group will present a panel discussion on: "Effective Interviewing Skills for a Teaching or Leadership Position". The panel of principals and other experienced school leaders will discuss their interview questions for teaching and/or leadership positions. There will be opportunities for questions from the audience.

You do not need a reservation, but you can email Dr. Bruce Billig, Director of the Office of Field Experiences (, if you have any questions.

The Doyle and Alba Bortner Distinguished Speaker
Series in Urban Education Presents
Professor Diane Ravitch

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Professor Diane Ravitch
Professor Diane Ravitch

On Wednesday, April 6th at 5 PM in the Faculty Dining Room of the NAC Building, Diane Ravitch, Research Professor of Education at New York University will be the Distinguished Guest Speaker at the Doyle and Alba Bortner Speaker Series in Urban Education. One of the most important historians of education over the past thirty years and a former U.S. Assistant Commissioner of Education, Professor Ravitch's most recent book, "The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education" (2010) provides a thoughtful critique of recent educational "reforms" both nationally and locally. She will speak about "How Testing And Choice Are Undermining Education" and copies of her book will be available to purchase with her signature. Free admission. Refreshments will be served.


Free Technology Workshops In February/March

Google Docs in the Classroom (Hands-on Workshop)

Tuesday, March 8th, 12:00-2:00, NAC Room 3/226

Dr. Sheila Gersh

Google Docs is a free, web-based suite of software which includes a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, web-form, drawing tools and web storage. Using an interface similar to other 'office suites' and taking advantage of 'cloud computing' (where applications and data are stored on the internet rather than on your computer), Google Docs creates unlimited opportunities for student/teacher or student/student interaction via the web. Collaborative projects, monitoring progress, real-time feedback, and paper reduction are a few of the benefits of Google Docs. Examples of lesson plan ideas and projects will be provided. Contact Dr. Sheila Gersh to sign up for the workshop (

Engage your Students with Digital Stories (Hands-on Workshop)

Tuesday, March 22; 12:00-2:00, NAC Room 3/226

Learn to use computer-based multimedia tools to tell powerful stories or highlight important ideas. Plan, storyboard and prepare a digital story based on a personal experience, a curriculum topic, or a poem. Find images on the Web and learn to publish your digital story using PowerPoint, MovieMaker and/or PhotoStory 2.0. Contact Dr. Sheila Gersh to sign up for the workshop

Educational Theatre Mini-Conference

The 2nd Annual CCNY Educational Theatre Mini - Conference will be held on Saturday, March 12th in NAC 1/211 from 10am - 6pm with guest speakers and a variety of workshops!

Family Arts Saturdays!
Theatre Activities for Children Ages 2-5

The Educational Theatre Program is delighted to announce: Family Arts Saturdays! In partnership with the Hamilton Heights Parents Association, faculty member Sobha K. Paredes and graduate students in the Educational Theatre Program will provide theatre activities for children ages 2-5 (siblings and families are also welcome). Activities include, pantomime, improvisation, storytelling, masks, puppetry and more! Classes will be held on March 5, 12, 19, 26 from 11am-12pm in the NAC building, room 4/220B. The building is on 138th St and Amsterdam Ave. If you are interested please go to this link to sign up: or contact Sobha Paredes with any questions at 212.650.7681 or

An After-School Literacy Enrichment Program
for Children and Teens between the ages of 5 to 17

Our Fall Session begins in early March. Applications are currently being accepted.


The Transformative Literacy Program at the City College of New York, School of Education continues to offer an after-school literacy enrichment program for children and teens between the ages of 5 and 17. Classes meet on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 4:45-6:15. The spring program begins in early March and runs until the end of May. In the program, students are matched with teachers completing graduate work and specializing in literacy. Each week, in small groups or one-on-one, these teachers and students work together on reading, writing, the arts, and language. Our process emphasizes teachers working with students to identify an area of interest, raise questions and to develop their reading, writing and learning skills while exploring and finding answers to their questions. This work is supervised by Professor Lisa Simon of CCNY's Transformative Literacy Program.

Participation is open to all children and youth between the ages of 5 and 17 who are able to come each week that the program is in session. The program is free but space is limited and registration is required. Online registration is available now at the after-school program website: You can also get more information by calling 212-650-6889 or you can stop by the Transformative Literacy program's office (NAC 6/204) for one of our flyers. Please feel free to pass this information on to others who might want to participate in our program. We are currently accepting applications and have several spaces available.

Mathematics in the City: Past Present and Future

Save the Dates: June 13-14, 2011

Professor Cathy Fosnot
Professor Cathy Fosnot

Join us for a two-day conference honoring the work of Mathematics in the City and Professor Cathy Fosnot. The Conference is sponsored by, Heinemann Press and The City College of New York and will be held at The College. Keynote speakers will include Professor Fosnot, Professor Emeritus, City College, Hank Kepner, NCTM President, Bill Jacob, Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara and Martin Simon, Professor New York University. Registration fee is $100 and includes breakfast and lunch for the two days. Visit the conference website:

For Other Events At CCNY See:

For Directions to the Campus See:

News and Notes

Jennifer Katona
Jennifer Katona
Sobha K. Paredes
Sobha K. Paredes

Jennifer Katona and Sobha K. Paredes of the Educational Theatre Program participated in a two- day conference entitled Face to Face sponsored by the New York City Arts in Education Roundtable. This year the conference was held on February 23rd and 24th at Frank Sinatra School of the Arts High School. Jennifer Katona presented "Race to Where? How Education Policy Impacts Arts Education" and Sobha K Paredes presented Process and Performance: Devising Non-Traditional Theater with Teens.

The Educational Theatre Program is also proud to congratulate Erinjean Jewell, an Educational Theatre candidate, for being awarded the Wexler Scholarship! Established by Dr. Howard Wexler, this award provides financial support in the amount of $5,000 to assist the recipient in the pursuit of your master's degree.


Professor Megan Blumenreich
Professor Megan Blumenreich

Professor Megan Blumenreich recently attended the Annual Meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators. This friendly conference provides an opportunity for teacher educators to share and discuss issues in the field ranging from preparing teacher candidates to learn about classroom management, to using technology in the teacher education classroom, to developing strong relationships with cooperating teachers. There is a smaller regional conference this summer in Philadelphia. Proposals are due April 1st (see their website at

Good News from the CCNY Teacher Academy - 100 % Success!!

The first three graduates of our Teacher Academy are now teachers. We are extremely proud to announce that all three of our graduates recently obtained teaching positions in three New York City public secondary schools. Congratulations and best wishes for continued success to our first year science teachers: Ninad Choudhury, Mena Jorree and Tanjeen Azad. Their principals were very impressed with our TA graduates' demonstration lesson skills that clearly contributed to the decision to hire them. Out TA liaison, Professor Martin Rosenman, has continued to mentor our first year TA teachers. The three TA alumni will be sharing their first year experiences with our remaining TA students on Friday, May 6th, during the TA Seminar. Questions pertaining to the CCNY Teacher Academy may be directed to: Dr. Bruce M. Billig (


Websites of Interest

(Hint: Using your mouse, put the cursor on any letter of the web address while holding down the Control key. Then left click your mouse to go directly to the site. This saves the steps involved in copying and pasting to your browser).

  1. This website, from The Association for Library Service to Children, offers an online directory of hundreds of links to commendable Web sites for children. The sites have been evaluated by a committee of librarians and each must meet strict criteria before it can be included on the site. Pre k-8.

  2. eSchool News says these websites are among their 10 favorite sites for teachers. They point out that "With cuts to school budgets, teachers are often left searching for ways to innovate without breaking the bank. In fact, educators are incorporating more Internet-related resources into their lessons, as shrinking school budgets have prompted many educators to look for free resources to enhance their lessons. These resources are a must for teachers k-16.
    • Academic Earth offers video lectures from "elite universities, and it allows viewers to grade the professors. Academic Earth also offers a "Playlists" feature based around themes such as "Laws of Nature," "Wars Throughout History," or "You Are What You Eat."
    • Curriki is "more than your average website; it is a community of educators, learners and committed education experts who are working together to create quality materials that will benefit teachers and students around the world. Curriki is an online environment created to support the development and free distribution of world-class educational materials to anyone who needs them. Our name is a play on the combination of 'curriculum' and 'wiki' which is the technology we're using to make education universally accessible".
    • A fascinating collection of free resources of all types for teachers and students. Explore this collection.
    • Resources in the collection of the Library of Congress. Includes classroom materials created by teachers for teachers. These ready-to-use materials provide "easy ways to incorporate the Library's unparalleled primary sources into instruction".
    • All kinds of resources for math and science teachers at all levels.
    • As we have said before, go to PBS for terrific resources.
    • is a free digital media service for educational use from public broadcasting and its partners. You'll find thousands of media resources, support materials, tools for classroom lessons, individualized learning programs, and teacher professional learning communities.
    • TeAchnology provides free and easy to use resources for teachers dedicated to improving the education of today's generation of students. They feature thousands of lesson plans, printable worksheets, teaching tips, and other teacher resources k-12.
    • Take a look at this as well for yet more resources.
  3. If you did not see this Jan 31, 2011 article in the New York Times entitled "G.O.P. Governors Take Aim at Teacher Tenure" you might want to.
  4. "Nearly 20 percent of high school students surveyed by the CDC report being bullied on school property during the previous 12 months; 5 percent report not going to school on a least one day during the past 30 days as a result of safety concerns. Perhaps even more telling, 26.1 percent of the CDC survey respondents felt so sad or hopeless for a two-week period or more that they stopped doing their usual activities - a clear sign of teenage depression". Click on the site to read more.
  5. A TEDx video that especially elementary and middle school teachers would want to see. Projects that kids engage in can be "infectious".

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