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Events and Activities
Saturday, May 1st Education Alumni Awards Luncheon
National Arts Club |
This year’s CCNY Education Alumni Awards Luncheon will be held on Saturday, May 1st at the National Arts Club in New York City. Please plan on attending and help us honor our 2010 Distinguished Partner in Education– Mr. Josh Weston and our 2010 Distinguished Educator– Dr. Guillermo Linares. We will also be honoring CCNY Alumni who are Outstanding Teachers and Administrators in elementary, middle and high schools. The National Arts Club is at 15 Gramercy Park South New York, NY- (212) 674-8824. Pay $85 for your luncheon ticket at the door. For questions contact Dr. Bruce M. Billig at: bbillig@ccny.cuny.edu. For the Awards Luncheon Invitation, click here. To read more about the Luncheon from Dr. John Lee, President of Education Alumni, click here.
Technology Workshops in May
Dr. Sheila Gersh |
Dr. Sheila Gersh will offer the two separate technology integration workshops described below (on a space available basis) at no cost. Each workshop is from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. Please contact sgersh@ccny.cuny.edu for room information and to register. Workshops are designed for School of Education students, faculty, staff, alumni and teachers in collaborating schools.
Wednesday, May 19th “Using PowerPoint Presentations in the Classroom” Enhance your PowerPoint presentations with sound, images, animation, narration and video. Explore different ways of using PowerPoint and find PowerPoint resources online. Develop a PowerPoint presentation for your students. Learn to guide students to do their own PowerPoint presentations in order to share their project results and other work with their classmates.
Tuesday, May 25th “Using WebQuests with Your Class” Explore the WebQuest library of resources and learn the process of creating a WebQuest. Create a WebQuest for your class to do.
"Spreading the Good Word: 3rd Annual Literacy Action Research Conference”
Saturday, May 15th
The Transformative Literacy Graduate Program's faculty and students invite you to attend two workshops, participate in hands-on activities that you can take back to your classroom, and network with other urban educators. Whether you teach day care, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, or GED, there will be activities and resources that you can use in your teaching. All of these lessons, activities, and resources have been implemented by literacy educators in urban classrooms. Experience some strategies that work, acquire new book titles, and reflect on your teaching practices in the presence of others. Saturday, May 15th, 9:30 am -2 pm, NAC Building room 4/220. Contact Professor Nadjwa Norton to register for the conference at nnorton@ccny.cuny.edu.
Secondary Science Program Hosts Symposium May 15th
The Secondary Science Education Program is pleased to present an exciting science symposium on Saturday, May15, 2010: "Teaching and Learning Science in Urban Schools." Graduate students and teacher participants in Project STARSHIP (a science education partnership with the DOE) will demonstrate and explain their action-research projects and/or their inquiry-based science projects. Several teachers plan to have their middle school students as co-presenters for the poster sessions and they tell us that their students can hardly wait to "strut their stuff."
The day's activities include poster presentations, a morning plenary session and opportunities to explore science teaching and learning in afternoon discussion groups. The plenary keynote speaker is Ms. Bertha Vazquez, an environmental science teacher in Miami, who has been honored as the "Dade County Teacher of the Year." Ms. Vazquez has presented her teaching strategies and inquiry-based environmental science projects at conferences in Denver, Colorado and Washington, D.C. as well as throughout Florida. Plenary session starts at 9:45 am in NAC Room 0/201 followed by a poster session in the faculty dining room beginning at 11:00 am.
Attend Free Concerts and Literary Readings at the 92nd St. Y
The Office of the Provost in collaboration with the Tisch Center for the Arts at the 92nd Street Y have arranged to allow all current City College students to attend concerts and literary readings at the 92nd Street Y free of charge from now until the end of the spring semester. The ticket cost will be covered by the Office of the Provost. Just
show your City College ID at the Box Office window, located at 92nd Street and Lexington Avenue (only one ticket per student, per event is allowed). The listing of upcoming concerts may be found by clicking here. Click here for the listing of upcoming literary readings.
Summer Institute in Childhood Education
The Physical Science Comes Alive Project will have a summer institute in Steinman 269 from July 6 - 9. This institute will prepare teachers to test the next set of curriculum materials.
Summer offerings of the Graduate Programs in Early Childhood Education include three one credit workshops. They are:
- EDCE 0502N: Block Building taught by Betsy Grob on Friday, June 11 from 4-8pm and Saturday, June 12 from 9-5pm - 1 graduate credit
- EDCE 7101N: Building Community in the Classroom taught by Julie Diamond on Saturday June 5 from 9-3 and Saturday June 19 from 9-3 - 1 graduate credit
- EDCE 6007N: Diverse and Inclusive Classrooms taught by Laura Swindler on Saturday July 10 and July 17 from 9-3 - 1 graduate credit
For more information on summer classes and registration see: http://www1.ccny.cuny.edu/current/registrar/classes2/index.cfm
News and Notes
Publications, Presentations and Faculty Awards
David Crismond |
Professor David Crismond received a plaque and a $1,000 award for a paper entitled "Thinking Outside the Rectangle: A Study of Middle-School Technology Education Teachers Using Math-Infused Design Activities” in which he was the lead author. The award was the Outstanding Research in Technology Education Award given by the Council for Teachers of Technology Education at their annual meeting. The paper was written with David Burghardt and Michael Hacker at Hofstra University and will be published in to the Journal of Technology Education.
James Neujahr |
Professors James Neujahr and Gary Benenson (Engineering) presented at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) annual conference in Philadelphia. Their ‘Physical Science Comes Alive’ project sponsored three presentations at the Conference. Three research and development teachers and three pilot test teachers took major roles in the workshops. The first set of materials explored Force and Motion. The next set of materials is on Energy.
Beverly Falk |
Professor Beverly Falk’s article "Documentation and Democratic Education" co-authored by Linda Darling-Hammond appeared in the January 2010 issue of Theory into Practice, Volume 49, Issue 1.
Professor Falk also presented and led a symposium on teacher research entitled "Remapping Progressive Education" on April 17th at the Julia Richman Educational Complex. This was the first symposium of the Deborah Meier Institute and it was attended by over 500 NYC area educators. It was sponsored by schools and teacher education programs from around NYC (including CCNY’s School of Education). The symposium, "The Power of Questions," presented how teacher inquiry can support teaching, teacher knowledge, and teacher leadership. Carol Castillo, a graduate of the Early Childhood Education master’s degree program and Lisa Shaffner, a current candidate in the program, participated in the presentation.
Jesus Fraga |
Mr. Jesus Fraga was cited for “making an impact on dual language education” by the East Hampton Press. See the Biligual and TESOL program page’s ‘News and Events’ at http://www1.ccny.cuny.edu/prospective/education/bilingual/ for a link to the article
Faculty Profile: Meet Joyce Coppin
Professor Joyce Coppin |
Seldom do faculty come to the School of Education with so extensive a background and so much experience in their chosen field. The School of Education was fortunate to get Dr. Coppin after a multi-faceted career as a leader and administrator in the New York City Public Schools. After graduating from City College (BS in Education) she began teaching at a public school in Brooklyn and subsequently obtained advanced degrees from Brooklyn College as well as an Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters from City College.
Dr. Coppin taught for eight years before she began her career as an administrator, where she served in ten different positions over the next 34 years. She started out in 1966 as a Parent and Community Relations Coordinator for the Superintendent in District 16 in Brooklyn. Three years later she became the Senior Executive Assistant to District Superintendent. She then moved up to Deputy Superintendent and to Superintendent of District 16 in 1971. In 1987 she became Superintendent of Brooklyn High Schools and when she finally retired in 2004 she was the Chief Executive of the Division of Human Resources.
Dr. Coppin came to City College in 2004 as a Distinguished Lecturer and became Program Head of the graduate program in Leadership shortly thereafter. She provides her students with a wealth of practical knowledge about the work of a school and district administrator. She also belongs to nine professional societies and has garnered more than 18 honors and awards, among them the CCNY Townsend Harris Medal for Distinguished Service to Education (1996). In less than six years at City College she has been awarded a number of grants totaling more than $1,000,000. She is the Director of CUNY Collaborative programs including a Harlem Scholars Program in three middle schools, a middle grades federal GEAR UP program, and the COLLEGE NOW program. She is also the Co-Principal Investigator of Math and Science Leadership Learning Community of 60 middle and high school teachers and supervisors and the Early College Initiative at the City College Academy of Arts, a small public school in Washington Heights that was developed collaboratively with City College. These grants and the programs they support show her strong and lasting commitment to the public schools.
Joyce Coppin works tirelessly on behalf of her students, her program and the School of Education. The graduate program takes in about 20 new students each semester. Students generally complete their degree in two years, moving as part of a cohort group and taking their course work together as they progress toward their degree. Strengths of the program, Dr. Coppin believes, are: work in an urban setting, close liaison with the Department of Education, a case study approach, classes held on only one evening a week, instruction that is practical, and the experience of assisting administrators through a supervisory internship in their school. To learn more about the program contact Dr. Coppin at jcoppin@ccny.cuny.edu.
The CUNY Teacher Academy at City College
Dr. Bruce Billig |
The CUNY Teacher Academy was conceived in the spring of 2006 as a collaboration between the senior college campuses, some of the community colleges and the DOE. Although independent, each college campus shares common goals to graduate effective math and science teachers for middle schools and high schools. Dr. Bruce Billig (Director School of Education’s Office of Field Experiences) leads the project at the School of Education.
The project identifies qualified math and science undergraduates who aspire to be teachers. Students begin weekly fieldwork clinical experiences in their freshman or sophomore year. Each student is partnered with a collaborating teacher in one of our four host schools: A. Philip Randolph Campus, Mott Hall Intermediate School, The City College Academy of the Arts and Thurgood Marshall Academy. Six professional teaching standards developed by the New Teacher Center at the University of California at Santa Cruz are emphasized throughout the program. Through a combination of fieldwork experiences, weekly seminars and education courses, aspiring teachers explore effective teaching strategies and student learning. Seminar activities, reflective writing, creation of a portfolio, field trips, panel discussions and presentations from CCNY faculty are designed to reinforce these standards. During the fourth year of the program, participants will student teach in both a middle school and a high school as part of their clinical experience requirement for initial certification for teaching. The fall 2006 entering class has seen its first graduate and several more students will graduate this spring.
It is hoped that the early introduction of our pre-service teachers to school cultures, classroom environments and interactions with students, pedagogical knowledge and experiences, will enable them to enter the teaching profession with more effective teaching skills, curriculum resources and a heightened level of overall confidence in their initial teaching abilities that will place them further along the Continuum of Teaching Practice than they would have achieved through the traditional pre-service teaching program. Our Teacher Academy seminar leaders and liaisons with our partner schools are Professors Greg Borman and Martin Rosenman. Questions pertaining to the Teacher Academy may be directed to Dr. Bruce Billig at: bbillig@ccny.cuny.edu
May’s Web Sites of Interest
- http://www.oce.nysed.gov/etvpb/teachers.htm - See this list of educational video resources from the New York State Education Department. In their words, “New York’s public broadcasters are working with school improvement teams across the state to bring high quality multimedia resources to the classroom”.
- http://www.skype.com - Good time to buy a web cam (around $40) and download Skype (free) to your home computer. Practice using it to talk to and see your friends and relatives who also need a web cam and Skype. Make free calls locally or around the world. Once you get the hang of it, get a web cam for your classroom and your students can talk to and collaborate with students from around the world. For a list of teachers with whom you can communicate and with whose classes you can do collaborative classroom projects see www.epals.com. That’s free too!
- http://www.publiceducation.org/ This site was recommended earlier- but the last issue of their newsblast had several interesting links to: a) an article about research on the effects of paying students to learn (Click here), b) an article about the federal government’s effort to create a new assessment system for schools through two grants (Click here), and two articles about attacks on teacher tenure and seniority New York Times and Common Wealth Magazine.
To Our Readers: Please contribute some of your favorite and useful web sites to: connected@ccny.cuny.edu.
Saluting Faculty and Staff Who Retired This Academic Year
Thanks to Catherine Fosnot, Adele Gilhooley, Jim Neujahr, and Alfred Posamentier for their many years of dedicated service to the School of Education. We wish them a long, happy and fulfilling retirement. To Cathy and Jim who will be remaining at the School of Education during their retirement, best wishes for continued success.
Catherine Fosnot |
Adele Gilhooley |
Jim Neujahr |
Alfred Posamentier |
Summer Reading
Courtesy, School of Education Faculty
Sharon Adelman Reyes & Tatyana Kleyn |
Beverly Falk |
Beverly Falk |
Jan Valle |
Sigmund Tobias & T.D. Duffy |
One lucky person who participates in this survey will be randomly selected to be Dean Cintron’s guest for lunch in the faculty dining room next fall. Win the Dean’s ear by letting us know what you think about CONNECTED. This anonymous survey takes no more than three minutes and your participation will help us improve our newsletter. Click on:
Volume 6 #1 of The New Educator is Online www1.ccny.cuny.edu/prospective/educator/theneweducator/upload/ToC61.pdf
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