Click here to see our new Educator Opinion (EdOp) Article |
Events and Activities
Free Workshops & Events for Students, Teachers, Alumni, SOE Faculty
Integrating Technology in the Classroom Series
The two November workshops offered by Dr. Sheila Gersh are:
Creating Websites to Support Classroom Teaching and Learning
Tuesday, November 9th, 2:00-4:00 pm, Room: NAC 3/226
In this hands-on session participants will create their own website using "Google Sites" and learn how teachers' web sites can be used for classroom instruction, communication and publishing student work. We will also consider privacy, permission and related issues pertaining to using class websites. Contact Dr. Gersh at sgersh@ccny.cuny.edu to reserve a place.
Engaging your Students with Digital Stories
Tuesday, November 16th 2:00-4:00 pm, Room: NAC 3/226
Using computer-based multimedia tools teachers and their students can tell powerful stories and highlight important ideas. Not only will you learn how digital stories have been used in the classroom, you will also learn how to plan, storyboard and create a digital story based on a personal experience, a poem or a topic in your curriculum. Learn where you can find images on the Web for that story and how to publish your digital story using PowerPoint, MovieMaker, VoiceThread and/or PhotoStory 2.0. This will enable you to guide your students to create their own digital stories. Contact Dr. Gersh at sgersh@ccny.cuny.edu to reserve a place.
Cultural Arts Fair Friday
November 5th, 4:30-6:30 in the
Grand Ballroom (NAC 1st floor)
The Educational Theatre Program will be hosting a Cultural Arts Fair open to undergraduates, graduates, inservice teachers, alumni and anyone interested in finding out about Arts Education resources in New York City that are available to teachers. Light refreshments will be served. Click to see flyer.
Hot Topics in Education
Wednesday, November 17th, 4:30 - 6:30 PM,
faculty dining room, NAC, 3rd floor
Tenure, Merit Pay, Assessing Teacher/School Leader Performance will all be discussed. This event is co-sponsored by the Education Alumni Group of the CCNY Alumni Association and the School of Education and is open to all students, faculty and alumni. For more information contact Dr. Bruce Billig bbillig@ccny.cuny.edu or Dr. Joyce Coppin jcoppin@ccny.cuny.edu.
Educational Theatre Club's Fundraising Cabaret
Saturday, November 19th, at 8 pm,
Compton Goethals Hall, Room 318
The Educational Theatre Club is hosting a Fundraising Cabaret on Saturday evening, November 13th at 8 pm in Compton-Goethals Hall, Room 318. All are welcome to come and show their support. Proceeds will go towards a scholarship for a local high school student interested in pursuing Theatre post-graduation.
State Certification Test Prep Workshops
School of Education students who will be taking workshops to prepare for the State Certification Exams must register in the LTRC NAC 3/226 to attend a workshop and show proof of payment to NYSTCE. Special consideration will be given to CCNY alumni and CCNY past test takers. For flyers describing dates/times for workshops: CST Review Special Education click here for flyer, for the LAST click here and for multi-subject review CST click here.
News and Notes
Educator Opinions (EdOps)
We invite our readers to submit EdOp pieces sharing their informed ideas and opinions about current issues in education. A faculty/staff committee will select those submissions that will appear in CONNECTED. Please try to keep your submission to no more than 500 words. Our first EdOp is by Professor Beverly Falk, Program Director of Early Childhood Education on the film Waiting for Superman.
What Waiting for Superman left out...
Beverly Falk, October 15, 2010
The movie Waiting for Superman, offers a much-welcomed opportunity to bring attention to the need for quality education for all children in our nation, especially those who come from historically under-resourced, low-income communities. Its heartbreaking portrayal of five families' desperate quest for a safe, caring, effective school is, hopefully, a wake-up call to all concerned citizens about the urgency of school improvement efforts.
What the film doesn't do, however, is present critical information and understandings developed through decades of experience and research. It frames the issues in such a simplistic way, that it does little to help viewers understand the complexities of the realities involved. I offer the following points of discussion in an effort to fill in the gaps of what Waiting for Superman has left out:(Read More)
The New Educator's Latest Issue
The New Educator, Vol. 6(3/4) is entitled "Teacher Education and Science Cultural Institutions: Widening the Scholarship for Preparing New Science Educators," guest edited by Maritza Macdonald, Director of Education and Policy at the American Museum of Natural History. To see the current issue click here.
Professor Richard Steinberg
Professor Richard Steinberg, Director of Secondary Science Education coauthored an article in the above issue of The New Educator describing a program to recruit and train science teachers through collaboration between the College and The New York Hall of Science. The article is at http://www1.ccny.cuny.edu/prospective/education/theneweducator/volume6_3_4.cfm.
Letter from President Staiano-Coico
Notes Quality of CCNY Graduate Programs
September 1, 2010
I want to share some great news with you. In the Washington Monthly's 2010 national ranking of 551 Master's degree granting institutions, City College ranks 70th overall. Even more importantly: As you can imagine, the "privates" have an enormous advantage in these kinds of rankings. Among public colleges and universities, CCNY is ranked 21st nationally, 5th in the northeast and 3rd in New York State. In research expenditures alone, we rank 4th nationally among all institutions. Among public colleges and universities, we are 2nd nationally, and first in the northeast and New York State. The Washington Monthly ranks schools according to their contribution to the public good in three broad categories: social mobility, research, and service. This reflects who we are, I believe, better than many other national rankings, and our high standing is a testimony to your hard work and commitment to our mission. Of course, as we raise our graduation rate – there will be no stopping us!

Lisa Staiano-Coico
Websites of Interest
Video Resources for Classrooms and Schools. Go to http://vital.thirteen.org/vital2td.html, one of the best kept secrets on the Internet. Many teachers still do not know about this great resource. "VITAL offers thousands of free, standards-based, pre-K-12 media resources, support materials, and self-paced lessons, including: classroom-ready content for ELA, math, science, and social studies, video resources designed to promote adolescent literacy, Regents-aligned content in Global History and Geography, U.S. History, Living Environment, Earth Science, Physics and Chemistry, tools that let you save and organize resources to share with students and colleagues, teacher professional development and learning communities" . Another huge video database for teachers is free from Discovery Education and at www.powermediaplus.com. Every school in NY State has a free passcode which you should be able to get from your computer teacher. If unable to obtain it, contact Sheila Gersh at sgersh@ccny.cuny.edu with your school name and district number to obtain your passcode. http://www.teachersdomain.org/ partners with Thirteen and is a free digital media service for educational use from public broadcasting and its partners. You'll find thousands of media resources, support materials, and tools for classroom lessons, individualized learning programs, and teacher professional learning communities. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/gperf/ Channel 13s Great Performances website, is also worthy of a look. Show your class the full version of Robert Goold's version of Macbeth and the teacher's guide at http://www.pbs.org/wnet/gperf/episodes/macbeth/educators-guide/1023/ . Also, see http://www.eschoolnews.com/2010/08/26/empowering-education-with-video/ a collection of articles about how video can enhance classrooms and schools.
Use Easily Accessed Primary Sources, Video, Charts, Maps and Data in Your Classroom with "Docs Teach" http://docsteach.org/ a new online resource from the National Archives Foundation and the National Archives enabling social studies teachers to gain easy access to primary source material, archival documents, audio & video resources, charts/graphs/data, images and maps. Those with "SmartBoards" or similar equipment can easily show much of these in class or permit students look at them at home.
What's so interesting about NYC Public School Report Cards? See http://tinyurl.com/2by924k While not a particularly carefully researched finding, this article in the New York Post suggests that the city's more than 1,000 public elementary and middle schools averaged a B on their "progress reports," compared to the city's 60 charter schools that received letter grades this year and averaged a C+. As an aside, the link to the NY Post article was 103 characters and www.tinyurl.com converted it to a link with 26 characters. Uses this resource to make impossibly long urls into tiny ones where long urls prove undesirable.
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