Coming Events and Activities
Workshops & Events for Students, Teachers, Alumni & SOE Faculty
Attend the Principals Panel:
Interviewing Skills for a Teaching
or Leadership Position
Thursday, November 10th 4:30-7:00pm
Join a panel of current principals as they reveal their secrets to the interview process. There will also be opportunities for small group practice interviews and Q & A. Date: November 10, 2011, Time: 4:30 - 7:00 PM, Location: CCNY NAC Building; Faculty Dining Room - 3rd Floor
This popular event is open to all current CCNY students, alumni and faculty at no cost. It is co-sponsored by the CCNY Education Alumni Association and the School of Education. E-mail your questions to Dr. Bruce M. Billig, Director of the Office of Field Experiences and First Vice President of the CCNY Education Alumni, before the session.
No RSVP needed.
Using SmartBoards in the Classroom
Doris Grasserbauer |
This hands-on workshop is for School of Education students, faculty, alumni and cooperating teachers. The workshop is structured around the experience level and the specific subject matter taught by the participants. For beginners, we will start with the basics and then dive into the interactive classroom possibilities depending on the needs and interests of the participants. No matter what your level of experience you will get a chance to use the SmartBoard.
All workshops will be presented by Doris Grasserbauer and held in the Multimedia Center room NA 4/221.
- November 15, 3 to 4pm
- December 6, 3 to 4pm
Click here to register for one of the workshops: |
Developing the Whole Child
November 17th
Prof. Beverly Falk |
On Thursday, November 17th between 12 and 2 (Club hours) Professor Beverly Falk will present a seminar on "Developing the Whole Child" in NAC 1/209 during club hours. The seminar is sponsored by the College's Child Development Center for student parents and any other interested folks.
Teaching the Way Children Learn
Workshop at the 92st Y
November 18th
Mercedes Orozco (a graduate of the Graduate Programs in Early Childhood Education) and Salinas Colon - both teachers at P.S. 36, one of our School of Education's partner schools, are presenting with Beverly Falk at the 92nd Street Y's Third Annual WonderPlay Conference: The Art & Science of Early Childhood Education: Research, Innovation & Practice . Their presentation, titled "Teaching the Way Children Learn: Pre-K and K Curriculum Studies Utilizing Active, Play-Based Experiences," will present documentation of curriculum studies designed for pre-k and K that integrate the disciplines, engage children in active play-based learning, and are developmentally-appropriate while also addressing the rigorous expectations of city and state standards. The entire Conference is being sponsored by the UFT Teacher Center and the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. Perhaps your principal is able to send you to this conference and pay the fee.
Book Panel on "Additive Schooling in Subtractive Times: Bilingual Education
and Dominican Immigrant Youth in the Heights"
December 8th 5:15-7:15 p.m.
Professor Ofelia Garcia |
A panel on the recently released book, "Additive Schooling in Subtractive Times: Bilingual Education and Dominican Immigrant Youth in the Heights" (Vanderbilt University Press, 2011) by Lesley Bartlett and Ofelia Garcia will take place on Thursday, December 8th from 5:15-7:15pm in NAC 1/202. Join the authors, Luperon High School principal, a teacher and alumni/CCNY student to learn about this unique and successful bilingual high school. The event is sponsored by New York State Association of Bilingual Education (NYSABE) and is free and open to the public. A reception will follow the panel. Registration is required as seats are limited.
To learn more about the book go to:
Register for the event at:
For additional information email:
Happy 90th Anniversary to the School of Education!
Begun in 1921, The School of Education will celebrate its 90th year during the week of March 5th 2012. A variety of special events will take place that week including: The Doyle and Alba Bortner Distinguished Speaker Series on Monday, March 5th at 5:00 p.m. and an all-day Conference entitled "In Defense of Childhood: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Supporting the Learning and Growth of the Whole Child" on Saturday, March 10th. PLEASE SAVE THESE DATES. Additional events are being planned and further details will be forthcoming.
Student and Faculty News & Notes
"Teachers of Tomorrow" Visit Washington D.C.
Teachers of Tomorrow is a community of future teachers and a club at City College. It is also a supportive network comprised of and on behalf of School of Education students who are dedicated to children and each other. This past spring, through the support of the Auxiliary Enterprise Corporation ( and three fundraising events held by our club, thirty-five students went on a one-day whirlwind trip to Washington DC. Thanks to the fundraising, students only had to pay an additional $20 each. We felt that future teachers needed to see Washington because the city is integral to the history and development of the United States and because we needed to have first-hand experience with things about which we would be teaching. The trip enhanced our understanding of history, politics, art and science. We were able to improve our professional and personal development through visits to the White House, the Lincoln Memorial and the Holocaust Museum.
Many of the students at CCNY are struggling each day with financial problems and have not had much opportunity to travel outside of the city. This coming spring Teachers of Tomorrow will be embarking on a new adventure- a trip to Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia. We believe this wonderful opportunity to take educational trips will certainly enhance our teaching when we graduate. School of Education students interested in joining the club should contact me for more information contact me at
Lisa Yu,
President, Teachers of Tomorrow
Educational Opinion Piece (ED OP)
Student Advisory Committee in the Department of Teaching,
Learning, and Culture
Prof. Catherine Franklin |
Students in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture have a new role in the governance of the department, and are attending meetings of the Executive Committee, Curriculum Committee, and general faculty meetings, as members of the new Student Advisory Committee. Three undergraduates and two graduate students -- Mary Buchanan, Cecilia Clauzier, Rosny Jean-Louis, Kenlyn Miller, and Mona Zawam -- are the first intrepid individuals to serve on this Committee. How did this happen?
In spring '11, the department faculty reviewed the CCNY Charter for Governance to determine the role of student representation in our department's structure. The faculty voted unanimously to form a Student Advisory Committee so that students could be involved in department decisions and governance. Five students expressed interest in serving on the Advisory Committee, and all of them fulfilled the qualifications for office (e.g., good academic standing). In addition, they represented a range of different programs within the department: Early Childhood Education, Childhood Education, Bilingual, and TESOL. Under the mentoring and guidance of Professor Catherine Franklin, the Student Advisory Committee was formed and has begun to contribute in various ways to the life of our department.
On May 18, 2011, the student advisory committee met for the first time. Professor Nancy Stern, Chair of the Department, formally welcomed the committee and provided an overview of the function of various faculty committees. The students determined that in light of shifting work schedules and academic demands, individual committee members would determine on an on-going basis which faculty committee meetings they could attend during the 2011 – '12 school year.
The View of the Faculty
We began work on the Student Advisory Committee with more questions than answers. To what extent would students have the time and interest to serve on this committee? We recognized how complicated our students' lives are --- academic work loads, family responsibilities, job obligations, field requirements, long commutes, the list can be endless. Was it realistic to expect that students on this committee would be able to attend faculty meetings throughout the academic year and that the experience would be valuable to them? What ways could this student committee contribute to faculty conversations and the department at large?
We don't have the answers to all these questions. It is still early. Nonetheless, the Student Advisory Committee has been active in our department this year, and shows strong promise and potential. The students appear committed to their role on the committees. While the individuals may change from meeting to meeting, there has always been someone at our faculty meetings representing the student committee. In addition, these student representatives have begun to contribute in substantive ways to our faculty conversations. Whether it was posing insightful questions at a meeting, taking on the initiative to canvas classmates about an emerging departmental issue, or simply being present and actively listening to an issue being discussed by faculty, the Student Advisory Committee is generating positive ripples within the department. Faculty discussions are more likely to inquire about how an issue and/or potential decision may impact the student body. When we hear from the committee, it serves as a reality check on our departmental priorities. Along with attending faculty meetings, the committee is also connecting with "Teachers of Tomorrow", an education club within the department, so as to further communication with our students.
The department believes that both the students and faculty stand to benefit from this initiative. The student representatives are developing professional experience in formal communication skills, activism, and academic governance. At the department level, faculty are benefiting from having ready access to student perspective, experience, and feedback. It's a win-win situation.
Education Opinion by
Professor Catherine Franklin
References: The City College Revised Governance Plan (6/28/99).
Free Materials for a Social Studies/Geography Teacher

I have an assortment of curriculum materials dealing with Columbus in the New World; and maps and the ideologies behind them (mostly dated cc 90s). Included are two British geography curriculum guides, a geography course curriculum for preservice teachers, two books: "My Backyard History Book," and "A New Look at History," both resources for using artifacts and oral history in teaching about social studies. If you are interested in any of these materials, please e-mail me at and I can arrange for you to see them/pick them up.
Professor Gretchen Johnson NAC 6/207
Library Hour for SOE Students & Faculty
Our Library Hour this semester is every Wednesday from 5 to 6pm in NA 6/207C. You do not have to make arrangements, just drop in.
During that hour, the Information Literacy Coordinator Prof. Jacqueline A. Gill will be available for faculty, staff and students to answer questions about the library and about doing research with the library resources. Should you not be able to come during that hour, Prof. Gill is also available via blog at .
Faculty can discuss and arrange library visits and workshops. Prof. Gill can be invited to education classes to introduce herself and provide an overview of how the library can help students meet their research needs.
Faculty Notes
Professor Joseph Davis has co-edited a linguistics book entitled "Language: Communication and Human Behavior: The Linguistic Essays of William Diver" which is in-press frrom Brill publishers (Netherlands) See
Professor Tatyana Kleyn |
Professor Tatyana Kleyn's new book "Immigration: The Ultimate Teen Guide. Series:#29" about the experiences of undocumented youth was the subject of a recent article in La Prensa entitled: "Aprender de inmigracion, mas alla de Ellis Island"
Professor Susan Semel |
Professor Susan Semel recently learned that an article she published in Paedogogica Historica, has been included in our "Class of 2011" campaign. This means it was the most downloaded article published in Paedogogica Historica last year - and will now be free for anyone to access and read for the next 12 months. We will be promoting our "Class of 2011" articles extensively over the next few weeks as an example of the oustanding current research we are proud to publish. Professor Semel's article is entitled Education and inequality: historical and sociological approaches to schooling and social stratification and is currently available at
Educational Theatre Program Has Been Busy
Jennifer Katona |
Jennifer Katona and the 21 graduate candidates in EDCE 3700C -"The Fundamentals of Teaching Theater" have started an afterschool theatre program with middle school students of PS 161. Piloting a new Disney Jr. musical: My Son Pinnochio, the 33 middle school students have lots to do before the show opens on December 15th with performances at 1:30 and 5:00pm. For information email .
Sobha K. Paredes |
Sobha K. Paredes and graduate candidates from EDCE 3901N,-" Conflict Resolution through Theatre", invited participants from Help USA Shelter to CCNY on Saturday October 15, 2011. Graduate candidates facilitated the event for children who participated through a drama workshop exploring the theme of "bullying" and also facilitated a drama workshop around the idea of "success" for adult participants.
Websites of Interest
A middle school math teacher uses student made short instructional videos and posts them to his website to help his students learn math. Take a look at his site. See the eSchool News article that describe what the teacher does. Click here)
The Regents Review 2.0 collection designed by New York State teachers helps students prepare for the Regents Examinations. The collection of 60 videos features teacher-guided test preparation in the following content areas: chemistry, earth science, living environment, physics, integrated algebra, global history and geography, U.S. history and government and foreign languages.
Articles of Interest
(This section provides links to some ideas, issues and practices in current educational publications. Keeping in mind how busy our readers are, nearly all of the articles are generally no more than one to three pages long. (Hint: Using your mouse, put the cursor on any letter of the web address while holding down the Control key. Then left click your mouse to go directly to the site. This saves the steps involved in copying and pasting to your browser).
In this brief article, Ernest Morrill and Pedro Noguera state: "While it is easy to criticize the policymakers and educational leaders who have been responsible for leading reform efforts, we target our comments about failed educational reform to our colleagues in schools and colleges of education. We do so because, as individuals and as institutions, we have unique and important roles to play not merely in critiquing policy, but in offering evidence-based solutions to our most pressing educational problems. Schools of education must be able to offer useful research and intellectual leadership to help in solving the problems confronting our nation's schools, otherwise we risk becoming irrelevant. Schools of education and the universities they belong to, must also have a clearer sense of how to develop meaningful partnerships with schools if they are to play a positive role in advancing reform". (Editor's emphasis)
The authors go on to discuss how more broad-based approaches to school restructuring are necessary, with programs that provide more comprehensive services to students and community (like the Harlem Children's Zone).
Based on existing research, African American students, Latinos, and women in math and science are known to perform poorly when a mistake could seem to confirm a negative stereotype about their group. This Tomorrow's Professor article argues that a person's work might suffer if he or she believes a poor performance will reinforce a negative stereotype about that person's group. This known as "stereotype threat." Studies have shown that stereotype threat is a likely cause of educational achievement gaps. Go to and enter 1127 in the search box.
The Mitchell 20 is a feature film due out in November. It is described as "a film that not only uncovers and dissects the challenges of teaching in schools in poverty, but provides a kind of gritty template for defining and attaining effective teaching. The film tells a real, and often heartbreaking, story of one school in Phoenix, twenty teachers, a dedicated principal--and how they collectively decided to improve the one thing they had control over: teaching". Click here. To see the movie trailer go to
This Teachers College Record study, "Si se Puede en Colaboracion!: Increasing College Placement Rates of Low-income Students" found that the schools in the study "effectively improved college readiness by developing collaborative practices around: (1) Program Management, (2) External Partnerships, (3) Leadership, (4) College-focused Intervention Strategies, (5) Achievement-oriented School Culture, (6) Parental Outreach, (7) Systemic, Multileveled Intervention Strategies, (8) Use of Data, (9) Development and Implementation of Inclusive School Policies, and (10) Routinizing or Offloading Routine or Mundane Tasks". To find out how they did this read the study at
Read about not only how different it was teaching English at a North Korean university but how it reinforced two important things that teachers need to remember. Click here.
A veteran teacher's take on what 'highly qualified'as a teacher really means Click Here
"Gearing Up for NaNoWriMo", or National Novel Writing Month, is a program that involves individual kids writing a novel in one month of school. Sound like fun! Click here
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| CCNY School of Education